Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lost Sucks, Part 4

In the August 13, 2010 Entertainment Weekly, writers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof are interviewed by Rabid Lostie Jeff "Doc" Jensen. In the interview, Cuse admits that the show leaves things open to interpretation. Page 55.

EW: There were some fans who felt leaving things open to interpretation wasn't a choice, but rather a cop-out.
Cuse: "It's not a cop-out. We did not want to take away from the audience that one thing that was such a vital part of the community of the show which was the ability to debate it." Page 55.

Okay, let me get this straight. We started watching the show because the writers were throwing mysteries at you. If you remember the first episode, Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) asked his fellow castaways, "Guys, where are we?" So they set up a premise where they invite you to watch because of the mystery of the Island and at the end, there's no freaking answer! It's a puzzle without a solution. If I had known this was going to be a show without answers, I would have stopped watching a long time ago.

Then Damon Lindelof claims that he showed some type of artistic courage by putting out his product and standing there figuratively naked in front of the audience.

Lindelof: "It's every writer's worst nightmare-and greatest dream-to say to 20 million worldwide, "I'm taking off all my clothes and standing on the stage, what do you think?" Pg. 55.

No, you didn't. If Lindelof were a stripper he would been fired. His finale with no answers is gutless. Like I said before, by leaving the mysteries to be solved by the audience there's no artistic courage. That's because the audience determines the quality of the product. I'm not talking about merely judging a show. They actually finish the show because the show wasn't finished. For example, a Rabid Lostie might love the show because of his blind admiration. Yet, I can come up with an interpretation of how the castaways survived the nuclear blast because invisible naked fairies flew out of Jacob's butt and saved them. That silly rationale would be Shakespeare to me. Since Cuse and Lindleof left so much unanswered, they can't be faulted for a bad end. The show Lost sucks.

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