Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Trump doesn't deny that firing Comey was related to Russian investigation

Last week's news bombshell was that President Trump told the Russians he fired James Comey as director of the FBI because Trump felt he was "a real nut job" and ... he "felt great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off." New York Times, May 19, 2017 The White House does not "dispute the quote." MSNBC Morning Joe. May 22, 2017. (video below at the twenty second mark) This admission comes after two prior admissions by Trump or his administration that Trump fired Comey over the Russia investigation. One occurred in an interview with NBC's Lester Holt (May 11, 2017) and another with White House Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders (May 11, 2017). MSNBC's Morning Joe has video of all the instances. (Holt interview starts at the 28 second mark and followed up by Sander's statement; video below)

So what does this mean? I'm sure conservative Republicans are going to argue about the semantics or as former President Clinton argued about the meaning of the word "is." I can just hear them say that Trump wanted a fair but expedient investigation. The more logical explanation is that Trump felt "great pressure" from the FBI investigation and he wanted to stop it by obstructing it through the dismissal of FBI director Comey. But, objectively, what we can get from this is that Trump fired Comey because of the FBI investigation. The question is whether it's obstruction.

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