Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Meaning of the Lost Finale and Television Series

Namaste. Here are the big answers to "Lost." And by that I am talking about the main concepts of the show. First, those of you liked the science fiction elements in Lost can now skip the DVDs and buy Star Trek DVDs pre-Abrams. Why? We can now say that Lost is a religious television series. Second, we can all agree that Sideways World is kind of a purgatory since the castaways are all dead. Finally, I am not going to explain all the other mysteries because frankly I don't give a damn.

1. "Guys... where are we?," Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) asks about the Island. To answer your question, Charlie, you're dead. Your plane crashed on the Island. Now it could be fate, the word on Charlie's finger bandages, that you crashed on the magical Island but guys, your pilot was not Sully Sullenberger it was Gregg Grunberg.

"Plane" of Existence. First, let's talk about a big hint dropped in season two. It was the introduction of the Dharma Initiative, the mysterious organization set up to study electromagnetism, psychology, parapsychology, meteorology and zoology. Note that members of the initiative use the greeting Namaste. Dharma and Namaste are Hindu expressions. Dharma means upholding one's righteous duty and Namaste is a greeting recognizing the divinity in a person.

From those hints in the show, we look towards how Hindus view the afterlife. It seems that there are multiple levels beyond the earth. There is also the idea that bad karma leads to punishment in the afterlife. Now, the show is not just about Hindu religion but is a mishmash of different religions. However, some religions also have various planes of existence after one dies.

Okay, so how does that prove that the passengers of Oceanic 815 died in the crash? It's because of Sideways World. In that plane of existence we know that they are all dead. The whole series was told back in flashbacks that occurred before the plane crash. And if you noticed, most of the passengers had bad karma. The show had themes of redemption. The Island was a test or a chance at redemption. It may have been punishment. But once Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) detonated the atomic bomb in season five, they were all hurled into Sideways World. That's why her ghost told Miles, it worked. Finally, the last scene in the finale "The End" (appropriately named) accompanying the end credits is of the beach and plane wreckage. The beach is empty. A sign that from the beginning, they were killed in the crash.

And don't forget that Locke was crippled before the crash. He's on the island and now can walk. That can't happen in our real world.

2. "Time has no meaning here." Soran (Malcolm McDowell) Star Trek: Generations

Hold on. How can Jack (Matthew Fox) be on the island and Sideways World at the same time? For that matter how can Hurley (Jorge Garcia) be guardian of the island and be in Sideways World at the same time? Well, remember in the finale, when Jack meets his dead father, he asks why the passengers are all here now. "Well, there is no now, here." See clip below. So time has no meaning. You die in the Island plane of existence, then move onto Sideways World. Yes, it's a cheap way to bring the whole cast together since some of the Church audience were not on the plane and make one big saccharine happy ending.

Detonating the bomb, did reset the future for the castaways. It allowed them to move onto Sideways World and land in Los Angeles. At the same time it allowed the Island to give Jack one more chance at redemption. Again, ignore time since it has no meaning. Jack is hurled back from the seventies to 2007 where he passes his test as Guardian of the Island by defeating the Smoke Monster, who is evil incarnate. When Jack dies on the Island, he moves onto Sideways World.

3. And They Lived Happily Ever After. Now you've noticed this season, that Sideways World is actually a more positive lifetime for many of the castaways than the Island. That's because of positive karma. You see, good acts in the Island world sowed rewards in Sideways World. So when Jack's father opens the door at the back of the Church, they move on, perhaps to an even higher level of the afterlife, maybe Heaven.

Wait a minute, you ask. Jack's father says that some of those in the Church died before and after him. How can that be in your theory, Bernie? We are basically now talking about Desmond and Penny who weren't on the plane. Like I said the show has so many mysteries that the creators heaped on us, there's no point in going over all of them. Some of the questions, I believe are caused by discontinuity by the various writers. And just recently, ABC said they put the last scene of plane wreckage to transition the moving ending to the news. ABC indicated that Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof had nothing to do with it. Aaaaaaaaah! Was that a big enough scream? Okay, ABC why put a picture with plane wreckage as a soothing transition to the news? Okay, ABC how did Jack, Sawyer, Juliet, and Kate survive the nuclear blast? I'll believe it when Cuse and Lindelof finally explain it.

Update: There's a consensus that the Island was real. The show did not explain what the Island was. So smoke monsters exist, there's cure for paralysis and you can survive nuclear explosions? People, even with "Harry Potter" they tell you magic exists. Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof won't even explain the Island in broad terms? Okay, it's some type of cork in the bottle of evil. But what about the magical stuff? Aaaaaaaah! Six years of watching the show and all I got was this contrived New Age crap?


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