Sunday, July 8, 2012

Why some conservatives are idiots

Conservative icon George Will on ABC's This Week said this about the record breaking heat,

"How do we explain the heat? One word: summer,"

That's it, George Will?! That's your "intellectual" thought? Oy. And they gave this guy the Pulitzer Prize.

Jerry Meehl, a climate extreme expert at the National Center for Atmospheric Research said this about the heat streak.

"This is what global warming is like, and we'll see more of this as we go into the future."

This is all part of the pattern for conservatives. They react. The engage in low effort thinking as a study says. They get facts wrong. Unfortunately, when conservatives think policy over facts and get the facts wrong, people die. See Iraq War.

So who do you trust? Scientists or a conservative who is full of hot air? I say follow the facts.

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