Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sidney Lumet, 1924-2011

The euphemism for the modern movie audience is teenager. Today's films are filled with eye popping action and explosions. Would this audience appreciate a film directed by Sidney Lumet? Perhaps not. Sidney Lumet did not depend on explosions to make a great film. On April 9, Lumet passed away from lymphoma. He died in his beloved New York city of which many of his movies took place.

His body of work was extraordinary. Instead of the wall to wall action so prevalent in today's films, he got your interest by using intelligent dialogue and human emotion. His best works addressed many of the issues of the day. Nuclear war. The power of television. Social justice.

His best films include 12 Angry Men (1957); Fail-Safe (1964); Dog Day Afternoon (Picture Lumet directing above, 1975); Network (1976) and The Verdict. (1982) Paul Newman's closing argument is below. IMDB list. Do your self a favor. Go rent one of his movies. Experience a master at his art.

1 comment:

Eugine Benneth said...

definitely will watch his films! was just seeking for some good movie