Remember the 1998 Saturday Night Live skit, Schweddy Balls? (Video below.) It was a classic Christmas piece in which two clueless NPR hosts interview a gourmet entrepreneur named Pete Schweddy (Alec Baldwin) about his food balls. Well, Ben and Jerry's is coming out with a new ice cream inspired by the skit called Schweddy Balls. It's a rum flavored concoction to coincide with SNL's new season.
Of course, leave it to conservatives to spoil the fun. An offshoot of the conservative American Family Association, One Million Moms is urging a boycott of Schweddy Balls. (Huffington Post story.) They obviously don't like Schweddy Balls. I'm guessing that One Million Moms is going to be upset how we eat Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I mean do we eat Schweddy Balls? Do we lick Schweddy Balls? Or do we suck Schweddy Balls?
The inspiration for Ben and Jerry's Schweddy Balls.
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